Post-election turmoil in Kenya, 8 Feb 2008
I received a text message from Cameron this morning. He has typhoid fever and is recovering slowly. These text messages in from Jacintah over the past few days.
SMS from Jacintah, 3-Feb-08, 01:28
“Military r stil in patrol at nite. Its my prayer n believe that everything bonna be alright. People have started their normal businesses, walking around.”SMS from Jacintah, 6-Feb-08, 09:48
“Yes, its calm. Not all students will b able 2 kam back coz they r displaced, other shifting 2 native land. We’r fine tho we’r not sure wat’s nxt!”SMS from Jacintah, 6-Feb-08, 12:12
“Imagine, one of the kids from displaced family, we found out the other day tht she was raped by unkown man be4 caos started on 30th Dec. She’s under medication.”