I am …

“I. You.”
I experience myself as only I am able. I know myself in ways I will never know you. Therefore, “I” is a solid circle, as it is the whole experience of me.

I You

We may laugh, cry, fight, or make love, but ultimately, I will never fully know the experience of being you. My experience of you, for as rich as it may be, will always be how I experience you through my senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and that intangible we call relationship. My experience of you will always be but a shell of who you really are. Therefore, “you” is an open circle, a shell around your core.

“To be.”
The richness of this human existence may be expressed best as the ebb and flow of our emotions, our perceptions, our comings and goings into the various realms and depths of self-awareness. Being human is never a stagnant thing, nor is being human a variable ever decreasing or increasing, for we hourly, daily, annually rise and fall to our creative potentials and our reptilian cores. Therefore, “to be” is an uncertainty, a relative unknown, a wave.

To be

“I am …”
We spend our entire lives describing our experience of being human to one another. We do this through verbal conversation, through our body language too. We express our experience of this relatively short time through the subtleties of endorphins released when courting a mate or running a race, and the bold release of sadness, anger, pain, and fear.’

I want. I need. I can or I cannot. I will or I will not. And when we attempt to control others, You will or You will not. Sometimes we stop long enough to reach out and ask, What do you need?

But ultimately, if we remove all the layers of where we are in the moment, the volatility, the passion, the wants and the needs, we are left with a very elemental central theme that likely perseveres throughout our entire life.

Everything we want, need, can or cannot do, even those things we demand from or give to others is a reflection of who we are. Therefore, central to iConji are the two most important characters, “I am” followed by the uncertainty of what we will do next, “…”

When you use iConji, stop long enough to consider who you are. You may send the character for ‘beer’ and a clock and a question mark with attached Notes for the time and place, but even in that simple request that your friend meet you for a drink in the evening at your favorite pub, you have in that moment said, “I am …” or in iConji:

I To be ellipsis

By |2017-04-10T11:17:44-04:00May 15th, 2010|The Written|0 Comments
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